Saturday, December 31, 2005


Gtk2 and Chicken?

I've been using Chicken Scheme for a while now, I really like it. However it's GUI bindings aren't really up to much yet.

I've done a few simple things using bb (a toolkit based on FLTK), but I'm going to need Gtk2 bindings to embark on some more serious projects.

I thought I was in luck when I came across this:

Chicken GTK+ Egg

... but the subversion server and wiki mentioned there seem to have dropped off the web :-(

More searching suggested my best bet might be some work Tony Garnock-Jones did. I downloaded his tarball's from here, but it seems hopelessly out of date (it won't even compile on my box). This post seems to confirm my suspicions, but at least the various groups are talking and it seems (at least) as if the Gtk2 egg will eventually turn up on eggs unlimited.

So, with my adventures in Chicken GUI land on hold for a while i guess the next things on the agenda are "The Reasoned Schemer" and the completion my Emacs based documentation system for work.

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